Sunday, January 4, 2015


Photo copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved.
The way ahead is a hard road
Cold and growing dim as dusk descends
Beset by sharp switchback curves
The kind that have taken more than one unwary traveler unawares
And taken from them all they have

Look at the road 
And be lost in it
In its doubts and dangers and despairs
Tense and wary, breath quickened as the light fades 
Traveling into darkness but dimly known

The bare branches of a red aspen the last marker
The last tendrils of color before rounding the curve into the void


Look up

The bare branches of the red aspen are a marker, yes,
But of what?
Look down, and they keep the gates of the flowing gray river
Unwinding like a ribbon,
That pulls inexorably into an unquiet future 

Eyes raised only inches, and the ribbon disappears
The bare branches of the red aspen are no longer Cerberus in willowy form
But a herald
Of light, of warmth, of a place to rest, 
Rocked in the cradle of the very earth itself
Safe beneath a blanket of sunlit clouds


Photo copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved.

Every year at this time, it's the same: An upcoming marker brings unbidden thoughts, unwelcome memories, threatening to swamp the promise of a new year in darkness before it begins.

i have to remind myself: Step back. Step forward. Look up. A path that seems dark and forbidding, beset by unquiet ghosts, is not the whole of the journey. For every ghost lying in wait, there is a countervailing ray of light.


Unless otherwise noted, all content on this blog, including text and images, are copyright Aji; all rights reserved; may not be reproduced in any form without express written permission.

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