Saturday, February 28, 2015

Christmas Was Delayed . . . .

Photo copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved.
A foot and a half and counting. At least.

More on the way.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner. 


  1. And to think I've been grumbly over just under a foot spread out over a couple of weeks... ;)

    1. LOL - we couldn't be happier (well, except for the leak over my side of the bed from today's too-fast melt). But we need this SO badly.

      How's the arthritis flare, BTW? Been wondering how it's handling your weather there.

      Oh, and thank you. :-)

    2. My 'gouty arthritis' is still ongoing, although thankfully nowhere near as painful as it was in the first couple of days before the indomethicin got prescribed. I've only got one pill left, and I've been saving it in case things get really bad again before I finally see a doctor for a 'follow-up' visit this coming Wednesday. My foot still swells up when I sit too long, and the side by the joint is still really tender, and putting on a shoe hurts, but I can mostly walk on the outside edge of the foot. I've been told that the pain might go away if I can get on allopurinol.

      And you don't have to explicitly thank me every time I hit that paypal button, I know you guys are are always grateful, and I get an email confirmation from them that you got it. I always ask about the boxes just because I don't completely trust the post office, since we've had a few issues with delivery.

      Speaking of which, I've almost got another box ready to go out. Only one bottle of DimPlus in it, though, they still haven't restocked.

  2. Do try to check your email, m'dear. You and Wings both...

    1. Oh! Mine is still bottlenecked, although maybe tonight's relative clearing, weather-wise, will help. I'll tell Wings to check his, though. Thanks, brother dear.
