Sunday, February 1, 2015

Hawks and Humbugs

Photo copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved.


Not remotely the way to start a new month.

The forces of evil win the Super Bowl, proving, apparently, that even karma can be bought.

It apparently is also no longer enough to traffic in twinkieism; now it's also necessary to flog genocidal hooey wrapped in a tissue-thin veneer of racist pseudoscience quackery. For the record: People who do that do not speak for either of us, not even when they claim "leadership" among our own peoples. Do not impute their toxic effluent to us. [Actually, no one speaks for us except, well, us.]

And speaking of twinkies, yo, stalker: You need to go away. Now. make it permanent this time.

To top it all off, the pleurisy is back with a vengeance, making everything a much more laborious task, and I worked my ass off today. Not that that's at all unusual; we both do that every day. But today was exceptionally difficult, and Spirit forbid that this should be another aspect of my "new normal." There are limits, and I've been at them for a long damn time now.

A couple of saving graces to salvage the day, despite tonight's colossal Seahawk screwup: Our actual hawk shown above returned today, this time here at home, in the top of the westernmost willow by the pond. I expect to see her at least through Wednesday. 

And Miskwaki has proven once again his capacity for caregiving: Cree's feet got tired and she decided to lie down in the snow out in the northeast field. He let her stay that way for a limited time, then went over and mouthed her withers to "pick her up." Yes, she actually got up under her own steam, probably mostly out of irritation, but it looked like him lifting her onto her feet. Our horse peeps will know why it's so significant that one horse would do this for another. [Yes, she's okay, if still gimpy; that's just the way things are mostly going to be now. The other three are all in good shape.]

In terms of substance, I got nothin'. I'm getting worn down, at least as much by the racism and fakery as by the physical issues. I'll be back at it tomorrow, but for tonight, I'm done.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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