Friday, February 13, 2015


Photo copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved.
Okay, not really. 

I walked outside two days ago to find that all four horses had come in from the pasture on their own. Cree was in the far pen munching hay, and the three hellions were pulling a lion-and-lamb routine together on the near side. They stayed that way like a bunch of tired puppies for maybe a half-hour. That's not only a record — they've never, ever done this before.

See, this is what they don't want anyone to know: They're secretly really bonded, but they want everybody to think they hate each other. Half-ton brats children.

For those unfamiliar (yeah, I know, I know), that's Miskwaki in the foreground, Shade in the middle, and Ice on the far side. They all bully each other mercilessly, but obviously, it's for show. And they all watch over and take care of Cree, the herd matriarch.

Speaking of Cree, she really needs some otherworldly help right now, because there isn't enough that we can do fast enough to fix her problem. [Storm could use some, too, but we dosed her again today, and I think she might be on the mend already. Cree's a much tougher case.]

The best Valentine's Day gift I could get would be to come outside tomorrow and find that Cree's walking normally (and that her condition stabilizes accordingly, of course). So whatever ya got, please send whatever you can spare her way. Thanks, everybody.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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