Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Masters of Spring

Photo copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved.
Spring arrived here a week ago, officially — last Wednesday morning, to be precise. I knew it had arrived, because I heard this guy's song: Meadowlark is the season's official herald. He didn't let me catch sight of him, though, until today.

Actually, Wings was the one who saw him first; he told me, and I went and got the camera. I got only a few shots, and even then, sun-blind, I couldn't tell what I was getting as I was taking them. Only a couple turned out to be worth anything. I finally gave up and took the camera back inside; Wings told me later that as soon as I quit shooting, Meadowlark stopped singing and flew away.

The songbirds are out in force now, as are some not known for their musicality. Yesterday morning, it was a flicker, perched somewhere just out of my line of sight, engaged in a rapid-fire rap, a syllable-for-syllable call-and-response with one of our chickens. Today, the lark, and entire families of juncos and sparrows and finches, all celebrating their emergence into the warmth of the sun.

By noon, the skies had gone gray; we've had a sprinkle or two since. We're supposed to get real rain in the next couple of days, and with it, temperatures lower than the 70 or so it's been over the last few days. 

Never fear: I'll have something bright for you tomorrow. Also, something very, very special. It's Wings's latest, and it's amazing. No, no sneak peeks; everybody has to wait until tomorrow. But like Meadowlark's song, it's a masterpiece.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

1 comment:

  1. We are starting to see grass again as the snow has melted sufficiently (after a week & a half of highs in the 40s/50s) to allow it to poke through. Although we may get more on Friday, *sigh*. Looking forward to spring coming around here, but it was below freezing this morning so signs are still few and far between.

    Looking forward to seeing Wings new work! Love to you both.
