Monday, March 9, 2015

Never Enough Hours

Photo copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved.
Me, looking out at the day and thinking, "Dude, naw."

There will never be enough hours in the day. I know this. But why ya hafta go and make it worse?

Modern life, particularly in this dominant culture, seems to be one primarily of demanding control over all aspects of the natural world, with that control to be taken by as much manipulation, as much force as necessary to achieve full dominion. And when that's not possible, raging against it.

I don't like DST. Yeah, yeah, I know; there's an arbitrariness to how we divide up the day on Standard Time, too. But this takes it a step further, and unnecessarily so. And don't shine me on about how it was "for the farmers." That would be my Gramps you're talking about, and he never felt any need to "change" the hours in the day. It was designed for profit, and especially for the profit of Big Business, even then. he knew it, and he never gave two shits about altered clocks. He just worked.

We don't waste time worrying overly much about the clock here, either, other than for outside appointments or for She-Wolf's glucose checks and insulin shots. You can pretty well gauge the time of day by the placement of sun and shadow, and the work we do here depends far less on punching a clock than it does on simply getting it done.

Same holds true for the weather. Yeah, I know, y'all think I whine about the weather all the time, but I don't. Really. What I do complain about is climate change, and that's something we humans of the Modern Era have inflicted upon ourselves, although some of us far less so than others. But railing against the elements? Yeah, and go stand in front of freight train and hold out your hand; see how fast it stops.


It's not something to rail against anyway. Weather simply is; the elements are. Far more ancient than we, with far clearer title to this earth, and certainly far better stewards than we have shown ourselves collectively to be.

I'll take the snow, and the cold, and the wind, and the rain, and the thunder, and the lightning, and the heat, and the sun. Any day of the week.

Just give me back my time.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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