Friday, March 27, 2015

No smoke on the waters, . . .

Photo copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved.
but definitely fire in the sky.

There's fire in other places and spaces, too. We'll view a few of them in the days to come.

I have about a dozen different topical posts in the works. Two or three of them would've been slated for this week, but between crappy connectivity and getting kicked, my week has not gone as planned. [Speaking of which, my thigh is starting to look a lot like that sky up there. I'll be fine. Back to muck duty today, even though it took me three times as long.] Oh, and e-mail and site-loading are still more borked than not.

In the meantime, the need to make sales is never-ending, so the first post of the weekend will undoubtedly be the promo for the one at Wings's site tomorrow. I need to [gawd, I hate this word] leverage all of that work somehow. If all goes well (BIG "if," natch), there'll be more substantive stuff on offer here before the weekend's out. Yes, the usual sorts of topics. Sorry; that's my gig in life.

For now, I have to go and test the blood of a diabetic dog and give her her insulin injection. Yes, this is my life.

But occasionally, there will be fire.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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