Thursday, May 14, 2015

Clouds and Bone

Photo copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved.

Clouds and bone.

Antlers, technically, but not unrelated.

I feel about as weathered as they look right now: wiped out, pain symptoms jacked, headache threatening to turn migraine. A lot of it's just recent stresses; more of it is too little decent sleep (see those "recent stresses"); still more of it is the out-of-control weather patterns. We're supposed to have real rain three out of the next four days (beginning tomorrow, natch), and I'm sitting here working my way through too much chocolate in hopes of staving off at least the migraine part of that mess.

We managed to get errands run today, at least, including picking up some badly needed supplies for his silversmithing. It's an investment, of course, but the butcher's bill still bites. Hard. 

If I had the time, I'd turn all my old writing into a book (books?) instead of just tarting it up in bits and pieces here, but time is eternally out of reach. Unfortunately, on nights like tonight, so is even the tarting-up-the-old-stuff part. Pain creates its own unique brand of brain fog, and it's one that's impossible to dissipate by force; it just has to burn itself out.

My one saving grace for tonight is that dinner will come out of the microwave. That's actually rare. Last night, it was brunch for dinner: homemade corn cakes (that's polenta cakes for your schmancy coastal types) on a bed of greens, topped with eggs over easy and a side of bacon, smothered in homemade red chile. Inexpensive, but serious soul food. Tonight, it's gonna be lunch leftovers, which is to say, Chinese.

And more chocolate.

Tomorrow, muck duty will be double duty for me (Wings has other tasks that need his attention), and a rush to beat the rain. And probably more work (with him) on Cree and Shade, whose forefeet are suffering terribly this season. And . . . two thousand other things. At least the pace keeps my mind [mostly] off certain tracks.

Keeping my sanity's worth something, I suppose, even if it doesn't pay the bills.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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