Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Chapter 7. First Line:

Photo copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved.

A little secret smile touches her lips; Marsh is with her, and all will be well.

We all have ghosts, and they carry more secrets than we know. Sometimes, they bring people together in wholly unexpected ways.

[Note: This is the last chapter in this subsection. Tomorrow begins my 8-day hiatus to give my spirit a break from the weight of family history, and other things.]

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.


  1. Hey, nother box out, this one has this year's pitiful garlic harvest, so will need to be opened up when it gets there and the heads set out to finish drying. They'll probably put off more moisture in transit in the ziploc.
    Tracking 9505 5110 7954 5197 3331 96
    (Is your email reliable again yet? I feel a bit silly putting these notes here, but I figure you'll at least see them here.)

    1. Hey, thank you! he picked up the other one yesterday, BTW - wonderful stuff in it. That maple syrup is just incredible. One jar of jam didn't survive, though, so they were holding it because of the leakage, I guess.

      [Sigh] I had thought my e-mail was back, but two days ago, I discovered that it is not, so this is probably as reliable a method as anything right now. At some point, we have to change ISPs, but i keep holding out until I know they've run the fiber-optic cables up this way. I don't want to switch until I know we're getting the broadband they ran down the road for the wealthy subdivision. :-P

      Oh, and our garlic hasn't done anything so far this yea, either. It usually blooms late, so we're still hoping, but it may have gotten drowned by all the early rains. Which means that we can use it (the garlic we planted, BTW, was from some we set aside from one of your earlier shipments). Our peppers and cukes have done nothing, either. Climate change is getting very real.
