Wednesday, July 1, 2015

One Year On, Introducing the Firebird Collection

Photo copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved.
Now posted at The NDN Silver Blog, it's something extra-special in light of the day's significance (which is actually two-fold). Primarily, it's a day of great personal import to Wings and me personally; secondarily, it's also the one-year anniversary of The NDN Silver Blog. That's right: We've been bringing you a new post every single day for the past 365 days (and counting).

Today, it's something truly magnificent, a new collection of Wings's latest masterworks — and together, they do indeed constitute some of his most astonishing work to date. Considering the length of his career, that's saying something. It's The Firebird Collection, and it is like nothing you've ever seen. On Saturday and Sunday, I'll be bringing you two more complementary pieces associated with the series.

The post itself is here. Wings's main page is here. Shares, as always, are very much needed and appreciated.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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