Monday, July 6, 2015

Rains, pours, catches fire. Not in a good way.

Photo copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved.
So when it rains, it pours, and then the sky catches on fire.

That's how it feels, anyway.

Yes, it did pour today. The definition of a cloudburst generally assumes that a flood-worthy storm is of short duration, not two freaking hours. I was stranded outdoors, and when I finally was able to come inside, there were leaks all over the bathroom ceiling. 

The car sucked up $400 today. Two-thirds of that in insurance; $130-ish in replacing the damn battery, which was dead. And by dead, I don't mean "will revive when charged." I mean DEAD. Of course, it did not decide to die until the afternoon of the fourth, at the point when Wings was stranded half-way into town because the the TRUCK had died in the middle of the road. We took it to the mechanic today; no idea how much THAT is gonna set us back. I'm afraid to find out, to be honest. We had one sale over the weekend, and what's ensued since that sale was made is going to suck up all of it like a mutant vacuum cleaner.

There's another storm on the way right this moment — thunder, lightning, threatening black clouds moving closer by the second — and flash flood advisories in effect until tomorrow. No idea whether the road up to the mechanic's will be washed out by then (it's happened before, including last fall). Also no idea whether we'll be able to afford whatever the fix is. 

So: Sales. We need 'em. Here's the link to Wings's site. Please share that with everyone you know. I'd like to be able to keep the power on (absent the weather knocking it out, I mean), and few other necessities. So shares, and testimonials, too, are essential right now.


All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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