Saturday, September 12, 2015

Epilogue, Chapter 2; First Line:

Photo copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved.

It’s the last dance of Indian summer, the final explosion of color and light before fall takes up permanent residence for the year.

A disappearance, however permanent, doesn't guarantee an end. That's when it's helpful to have ghosts on your side.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.


  1. It's definitely feeling like fall here, even without the visual cues. Cool days and chill nights atm. Btw, I was in a bookstore today, and saw something I don't think I've seen anywhere before. On the shelves in the Native American section, they had three different language texts, for people wanting to start learning Cherokee, Lakota, and Apache (there was some qualifier in the title of that one, western maybe?) That has to be the first time I've seen any NA language textbooks in any generic bookstore here in flyover country, much less three different ones. If I were a smartphone user, I probably would have taken a picture of it...

    Going to try sending another box shortly, despite the post office losing the last one. I think they lost a couple bottles of the DimPro in that last package, so I'm guessing you might be running low, and I've got another bottle of that to send, along with some chocolate, dog treats, nuts and so on.

    1. That is so cool! Normally, I see that in that part of the country only in university towns where there's some sort of substantial Native presence (e.g., Minnesota). The Cherokee and Lakota don't surprise me as to the choices, since those are the peoples the dominant culture regards as stereotypically "Native," but I would've expected navajo before Apache, if only because of Tony Hillerman's books. intersting that they should have chosen that.

      Chocolate, nuts, and dog treats sound lovely. I wonder what happened to the other one, though? Just . . . lost? How does that even happen anymore, now that everything's scanned and tracked and no doubt reported straight to the NSA, LOL? But thank you. The furbutts will thank you, too; they love the treats you send them.

  2. Ack! I only just saw your post from yesterday. Thanks to whatever or whoever is looking out for you that you caught it in time. As an aside, the Amazon wishlist link just went to a generic front page at Amazon, not to your specific wish list, if you have one there.

    1. [Sigh] yes. a fire pouring smoke out two feet from a live propane tank. And there's no way to place things further apart, thanks to the smallness of this place and the very limited places where things like heaters and cords can go. I honestly don't know how we survived the nigh, except, as you say, something watching out for us, for which I'm profoundly grateful, if still more than a little freaked.

      Oh, and I fixed the Amazon link. Apparently, when you're logged in to your own account and click on the link, it takes you to some internal page that isn't what anyone else sees, in terms of the URL. But it should work now. I hope.
