Monday, September 28, 2015

Gifts of the Leaves Turning Moon

Photo copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved.

So, I got a bunch of shots of last night's blood moon.

It may have been a so-called supermoon elsewhere, but here, it was as far away as ever — hell, farther away than the one-day-off-full moon of the night before.

it was also remarkably un-blood-red. More a warm rose, with undertones of coral and the occasional hint of brick. Yes, I'm being sarcastic.

It was too cold to stay outside and get past-peak photos. My bones can't handle that anymore, and I overdid it as it is.

Still, I did get one shot yesterday that made me especially proud, and I'm far more jazzed about it than any of the others:

Photo copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved.


The raptors are here virtually daily now, and in far greater diversity than ever before.

They are warriors, and they give me strength and courage and power. And I need all the help I can get.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.


  1. We didn't see any moon here; too overcast. Awesome photos you've been showing lately; are your own photographs available for prints as well as Wings?

    Hope the herb shipment arrived safe and that the fresh ones managed to stay that way!


    1. YES! They arrive dover the weekend; I've been meaning to get hold of you. They're wonderful - I used some of the dried parsley and thyme in a sauce for our fish at dinner tonight. We already ahve the fresh ones laid out and drying. My god, the smell of the rosemary . . . .

      As to photos, yes, absolutely. Although I haven't even thought about price; obviously not as expensive as his, since he's the pro and I'm not. But, yes, any of them can be turned into prints. LOL - the "awesome" is mostly luck, especially with the birds, who seem to take pity on me (when they're not mocking me, that is, like the monstrous little chickadee who buzzes me and then splits before I can get a shot]. :-D Any of them can be turned into prints, those posted here, or those at the Tumblr site.

  2. That looks about like what we saw, when we lucked out into the cloud cover moving off to the east. As you say, not terribly red, and not terribly large looking. Still, it's the first time I've caught a full lunar eclipse since somewhere around the early 90s.

    For whom are the sardines on the list? Is one of you a secret sardine lover, or is it a supplement for furkids? We've noticed our older girl getting more picky about eating, turning her nose up at treats at times, and we've gone to mixing kibble and canned food ourselves to keep her interested.

    1. Yeah, seemed way overhyped for what we saw here. Pretty, though.

      LOL - Wings actually does like sardines (I can take 'em or leave 'em, mostly leave 'em), but those are for the dogs, mostly Griffin. The older he gets, the more trouble he has with the dry air here and developing itchy skin (probably aggravated by his CVS somehow), and we've tried all kinds of supplements. They don't work, he doesn't like them, or both. Sardines he'll eat mixed with his kibble, and they stop the obsessive licking in a day or two. When we're doing well enough to afford it, we alternate days between sardines and wet food (i.e., a little mixed with this morning kibble), and that takes care of it. The two younger dogs get some at the same time, which seems to keep them doing well, too.
