Monday, September 21, 2015


Sometimes, you get lucky. Sometimes, Spirit just gives you a gift.

Yesterday, we finally got to meet a client of many years in person; he came with his son to see us in person yesterday. The man is a warrior, and the brilliant young man who is his son shows every sign of possessing the same strength of spirit.

Our friend fights for some of the country's most marginalized persons. He told us yesterday that when he gets to the point of public advocacy, he's done all of his spiritual preparation over the long term, and at that point, he's going to war. When I took photos of the two of them with Wings, I said I was getting photos of my three warriors, and I wasn't joking.

Some time after they left late yesterday, I went outside with my camera to try to get a shot of something entirely unrelated to the images here. While walking to the southwest, I caught a glimpse of a pair of large and powerful wings taking off from the field — just a glimpse; no more than an impression, really. It could have been a very large raven, or it could have been the ferruginous hawk who has begun to visit. I followed along my line of sight, hoping to find where he landed; it was a raptor, and he had perched atop my gnarled and twisted little tree at the south fence. I began shooting (at a very great distance, full zoom), and got off four halfway-decent shots before he took flight again. I went inside happy to have a few new shots of the being I've taken to calling Uncle Ferruginous.

Then I uploaded them. 

I had to ask Wings to be entirely sure what I had.

It's an immature (indeed, very young) golden eagle. The telltale line of white dots angling along the wing against the rich golden brown are one giveaway. But the real ell came with a look at the underside of the tailfeathers: where on a hawk bars or bands appear, these were white with trademark brown swatches and speckles at the ends. When he took off, his extraordinarily large and powerful legs, looking like fringed chaps, were visible, and he had the yellow talons and edging on his beak; he also bears the upturned wingtips in flight that are the mark of Eagle (and Vulture).

Giniw. The War Eagle.  

I was so delighted to have my first clear shots of an eagle, I couldn't ask for more. That alone was such a gift, such a blessing. I also didn't expect him to return; that would be entirely too much to ask, so I simply gave thanks for yesterday's momentary visitation and the gift of his image.

Today, I went outside for morning prayers a bit later than I normally prefer. As I walked to my designated spot, I noticed a large dark spot back in the tree. I hoped it was him, but had no confidence that it was; more, I had no confidence that he would still be there when I was finished. Still, I didn't abandon my current task in favor of getting my camera; certain obligations must be fulfilled in the proper way, without rushing or delaying them.

When I was done, I looked: He was still there. Now I went for the camera. He let me get more than halfway across the field, still shooting. And then, I was rewarded with the shot I've never been able to get in my life:

I had to cross two fields to get back, and I wouldn't swear that my own feet touched the ground the entire distance. I danced inside, practically hopping up and down with joy. Of course, I had to wake Wings to show him: "IGotItIGotItIGotItIGotIt!!!!"

Sometimes, spirits bring you luck, a reward, or simply a wonderful, glorious gift.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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