Friday, November 20, 2015

Of Midpoints and Turning Points and Turning Over

First lines:

The trickster bird would be with me yet a while: a bird of beginnings and of ends, of midpoints and turning points and a world turning over.

He seemed to follow me through these dark days, a coal-black shadow trailing after me in the skies. He did not seem a bearer of bad luck, no omen of death crying “Nevermore!” atop latilla post or chamber door. If anything, he seemed solicitous, concerned.

Perhaps he understood how close I was, had been for too long, to the edge, now one so high and steep that one slip would be irrecoverable.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.


  1. On Wednesday, I saw a flock of maybe 100 flying overhead, calling hello to me below. I've never seen such a huge flock, and it was wonderful to see because west nile really decimated the crow population around here for years. Wouldn't have known they were flying up on high except for their joyful Good Morning!

  2. Aw, what a gift! I didn't realize you'd lost them in such numbers, though; that's terrible. I know so many people hate ravnes and crows, but their role is really important. And besides, they're such beautiful, intelligent creatures. I really am glad that we have them here; I hope you get more flocks back soon.
