Wednesday, December 9, 2015

For Today

Photo copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved.
For today, we are — at the moment — back to what passes here for normal. 

The other grandfather, the larger one, paid a visit, and brought the gift of functional circuitry, it seems. He also brought the gift of this shot; he's been giving me some spectacular flight shots lately, seemingly deliberately.  

The Tumblr post is up early (just in case we lost all power, or even just the router). The post at Wings's site will be late, mostly because he's working on a piece and I'm hoping it'll be done in time for me to feature it today.

For now, it's back to the never-ending task list . . with fingers crossed in hopes the power continues to work properly.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.


  1. Hope things improve. Reminded me I hadn't hit the donate button yet to support this month's writings, taken care of that now. Love to you & Wings.

    1. Oh, hey, darlin'! How are you? I think you said you had stuff going on over the weekend - how'd it go? It's . . . what? Wednesday? LOL - I'm SO far behind . . . .

      And thank you so much! Love back, from both of us.

      Oh! Before I forget - *both* things arrived yesterday! Wings is like, "We got this big huge box; what is it?" Thank you for that, too. :-)

  2. did you get an electrician out??!! are things good and what is the more permanent (through the winter) solution?

    1. Hi, darlin'! Short answer is no; longer answer is more or less that everyone's backlogged, but Wings figured it out and apparently Grandfather [nods up at hawk photo] gave it his blessing, LOL.

      Wings found the thing that was causing the problem. We had thought, last night, that it had fried the secondary hook-up, but not only did it not do that, it didn't fry the circuit, either. Well, neither worked last night, so maybe it's not that they didn't fry them; maybe it's just an honest-to-hawk miracle, but I ain't complaining. Cords replaced and some things rearranged, and fingers crossed, I think we're good.
