Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Suckage, Electrical and Other

Photo copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved.
My mood, and also a source of irritation at the moment.

Two days of suckage of a particularly vampiric variety. Varieties, plural.

Yesterday's was mostly psychological and cultural. There are some people who will drain you dry if you let them. Even if you don't, they'll do spectacular damage in record time.

Today was the aftermath of that . . . and a sudden short in an electrical hook-up (yes, another one, and another one that was supposed to be designed for exterior use). I'm more than a little tired of this at this point; we can't get out of this place fast enough, but it'll be well into next year before there's any hope of that.

The upshot is that, at the moment, things are very makeshift. There are two separate electrical circuits in this tin can, but one of them powers almost everything except one pair of kitchen jacks. Of course, the "almost everything" one is the one that is now fried. We have no power in the bathroom or bedroom, which means battery light in the bathroom and no electric blanket tonight. We have no power in most of the rest of it, either. The router was out most of the day, keeping me offline, but we eventually managed to connect it up to an external source (which is the only reason I'm online at this moment). I'm lucky to be able to charge the laptop, and to have the lamp on (via an extension cord).

So. tomorrow will now be wasted on trying to get the electrician out here (which may not happen for some days yet, depending on his backlog), and then seeing whether it's even reparable. It may not be, in which case, it's going to be a long, difficult winter. I am not happy.

I don't know whether we'll have power most of tomorrow. Don't expect to see me unless you see me. Even if you do, chances are I'll be posting and running; I am absolutely slammed for time right now under the best of circumstances, and those circumstances just got a whole hell of a lot worse. I'll try for some workable alternatives, but there's that whole time thing again, to say nothing of the physical and technical barriers we face with this thing. Some good thoughts for a quick, easy, permanent fix tomorrow would be helpful.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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