Friday, January 29, 2016

Coyote Always Gets His.

Photo copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved.
Early yesterday morning, Raven chased away a coyote who was eyeing the chicken coop. [No, the photo's from a November visit.]

But Coyote always gets his revenge.

It apparently was not enough to have to replace our secondary standpipe and much of the plumbing last week. And, no, it's not lost on me that we had no choice but to sink four figures into it during our last winter in this place; once the house is built, this standpipe will probably be wholly extraneous. [Oh, and last week? Two more brute-force attempts on the Web site, along with dealing with Cree, and a few other things I'm not even going to get into now.]

But no. Now both the washer and the dryer appear to have gone of the blink, along with the small fridge (the one inside this place). The fridge craps out periodically, defrosting on its own; normally, a full day or two on the max setting remedies it, but so far, nothing.

The other two concern me more. Wings bought our initial washer and dryer, lightly used, about seventeen years ago. The dryer has continued to function, but the washer gave up the ghost around Christmas, 2012. We had to buy a new one, and it has never worked as well as the old one. Every winter, we have problems with the rinse/spin cycles, which I have always attributed to the freezing weather, but this time, it's going to require a service call. We're waiting to hear sometimes today, and praying that we don't need a new washer.

The dryer? [Shrugs] who knows? I walked into the studio yesterday to check on the washer, and smelled the unmistakable odor of something electrical overheating. I would've thought it was a belt in the washer, but it seemed to be emanating from the dryer — or, rather, upon closer inspection, possibly from the hook-up.  I'm now in the unenviable position of hoping it's only the dryer and not the hook-up, which would be disastrous. More, I'm hoping that I'm simply wrong about the source of the smell, and it really is just a belt on the washer.

Here's the thing: Laundromats are not a feasible option for us. It's been years since my body has been able to deal with the physical labor involved in lugging loads of laundry to and from one, and there's not time anyway. And all that elides the fact that I simply cannot drive that much anymore, thanks to the PCS; driving even a short distance is a guaranteed migraine by the next day. This isn't like going to the post office (and that's bad enough, believe me).

And all this at a time when we're waiting to hear from a guy on the blueprints for the house, in hopes of launching the next phase in February. 

So . . . . No, not donations. Sales. We need folks to share the links to Wings's site. With all your networks, online and off-. If you have testimonials to offer up, that helps, too. Here's the main page. I'd really like to be able to find homes for some of our inventory in the days to come. Wings's newest work would cover it all and let us put some more toward the house.


All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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