Tuesday, March 1, 2016

A Home for Wings and Aji, Stages II and III: Excavation, Foundation, Frame, Adobe

As promised last night, we're launching Stage II of our fundraiser today — our long-term project to build a home after having lost ours more than five years ago. For those unfamiliar with the project, we've been living in an RV since then, more than thirty years old, with ancient wiring and plumbing; every winter, there are days that we're forced to go without running water. Last fall, the wiring cause a small electrical fire that we caught literally seconds before it turned very, very deadly. Shortly thereafter, we raised funds to grade and fill the site where our old home stood, and to replace our well pump that died on the same day as the fundraiser began.

We were halted by an early winter, but now, the ground has thawed fully, the skies are clear, and it's time to get back to work. This segment of the project is significantly more costly, but it will cover much more: excavation and trenching, laying the pipe and taking care of preliminary wiring work, laying the foundation, constructing the frame, and at least beginning the put up the adobe walls. We have some funds set aside, but it won't be nearly enough, hence the YouCaring effort launched today.

Please share the link with all of your networks, on- and offline. There's a widget on the right-hand side that will give you a photo/link combo to post on your own sites. If you can kick in a few bucks, that's wonderful, too. This is going to be a longer-term effort, obviously, so please give us a hand by continuing to share the link over the weeks to come. Heartfelt to thanks to everyone who's helped us thus far, with donations and shares and spreading the word.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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