Thursday, March 10, 2016

An Early Visitor, and a Request

It's only March 10th, and the first butterfly of the year flew right past my nose this afternoon. It's two months too early for them to be here yet, but considering how important the warmth is to our effort to build a home at long last, I'm taking the visit from the Little People's messenger as a good omen. We're only $475 away from hitting our sub-goal for this week in our fundraising effort for Stages II and III of our project. I'd like to reach the 20%-of-goal mark by the end of the day Saturday. I think we can do it with your help.

Saturday is important for another reason: The guy who's doing the blueprints is coming by that afternoon to finalize some info. If we're lucky, we may get a look at what he's got so far. Once this is done, it's a question of scheduling the first task, which is the digging and trenching. Being able to cough up as much three grand upon completion will be good incentive for them and the folks dealing with the plumbing and power to get it done.

So please share the link to our YouCaring page with all of your networks. If you plan to share it on Facebook or Twitter, or by e-mail, please consider using the widgets found on the page itself. And if you're planning on posting a sentence or two about it anywhere, please consider grabbing the widget from the lower right-hand corner of the page.

Much gratitude from both of us to all of you who have helped us this far with shares, donations, and moral support.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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