Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Just shy of 15%! Can you help us get to 20% by week's end?

We came soooooo close to our goal for yesterday in our effort to raise funds for Stages II and III of our project to build a home after more than five years without a real one. We are just barely shy of the 15% mark. Many, many, MANY thanks to everyone who helped us get there, whether by way of donations or by sharing the link.

I'm posting this first thing today, because everything else will be late. Tuesday is always my heaviest writing day for Wings's site, and that post won't be up until late afternoon or early evening, in all likelihood. Wings has an appointment smack in the middle of the day, and Estevan will be out of town today and probably tomorrow, which puts me back on muck duty and dealing with other tasks. We are also allegedly going to get rain that will then turn to snow, and on the off-chance that they're right about that, I need to focus on the outdoor labor first, before the weather hits. Once I'm offline this morning, I probably won't really be able to check back in in any substantive way until evening, so I wanted to get the link and the reminder out there again.

As always, we hope you'll share the link to our YouCaring page with your networks, on- and offline alike. It helps if you share via the widgets on the page itself, too. You can also post the image above, which will update the totals automatically, by grabbing the widget from the lower right-hand side of the page. Another $45, and we'll have officially hit the 15% (gross) mark for our goal. As busy and fraught as this week will be for us here, I'd like to set a goal of hitting the 20% mark ($3K) before the weekend. Think we can do it?

Again, profound thanks from both of us to all of you for all your help. If all goes as planned, the professionals will be in here in a couple of weeks to begin digging.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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