Tuesday, March 29, 2016

One More Step Today . . . .

It has been . . . a day. We could start with the fact that two dogs are now sick (although both seem to be getting better slowly), or with the complete disappearance of our paid helper for more than a week now, (lost yet again, apparently, to an affliction that is rampant in both our families), or with an invasive individual who showed up unannounced and uninvited to behave with a complete lack of manners (wolves are more polite and have better home training), or with the 40-mph winds that have rocked this place all day (in very literal terms).

But I'm tired (understatement of the year), and sick of it all (another masterpiece of understatement), and we did have one very good thing happen that trumps the rest of it: Since our floor plan for the house is now set, Bob came by to spec out where each utility hook-up is and how it will fit into the new house, and has promised us, as he put it "more pretty pictures [i.e., the plans specific to the foundation and frame and plumbing and wiring] soon." His turnaround time has been remarkably quick thus far, so I'm anticipating being able to to see something concrete very shortly.

So, of course, it's my daily (nightly?) appeal: Please keep sharing the link to our YouCaring page, via the widgets on the page itself. I'm hoping to hit our next short-term goal for this stage (i.e., 30% of the overall total for this stage) by the end of the week; $600 will do it. If folks post a sentence or two to their various networks, it helps to grab the widget at the lower right-hand side of the page. We have a long, LONG way to go, and I have no choice but to keep at this, day in and day.

Many thanks to everyone who has helped us out with donations, shares, and other forms of support thus far. And apologies to those who don't yet have their thank-you notes; I've been so overextended this past week, I've had no time to sit down to much of anything, and no functional brain power for anything that requires it. They are coming, I promise.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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