Monday, March 7, 2016

The Home Project: Can We Make it to 15% Today?

We're about one week out from seeing the new blueprints for our home-building project. Maybe that will make it seem more real; after more than five years without a real home, I still can't get my head around the prospect of living in one again. But once we sign off on them, we call the plumbing folks, and the excavation work commences.

Despite the online slowness of weekends, we're well past the 10% mark on the way to our goal for Stages II and III. We need to raise only another $400 to hit the 15% marker. Think we can do it this week?

We can with your help. Please share the link to our YouCaring page with all your networks, on- and offline both. It especially helps if you share directly from the page itself, using the widgets provided. If you're planning on posting a sentence or two on your own site/FB page/whatever, please also consider grabbing the widget at the lower right of the same page.

I'll be out all day today, and probably unable to check in before late afternoon or evening. All four horses have vet work scheduled, and it's an incredibly blustery, windy day out there, so I expect most of the day to be shot for much else. In the meantime, many thanks to all of you who have liked, tweeted, shared, e-mailed, and donated. I'll check back in as soon as time, weather, and horses permit.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.


  1. You're getting there!! :)

    1. I am amazed - we had an incredible day yesterday! I was just hoping for even a single small donation. I guess Coyote brought us good luck, huh? XOXO.
