Thursday, March 31, 2016

Today's Share Request

Well, I might as well get today's request out of the way. Sad news from elsewhere, and so I'm just not feeling it right now. \I'm just gonna post the link to our YouCaring page, with a request to share via the widgets on it. I'd like to raise another $500 ASAP, to get us to the 30% mark in advance of receipt of the task-specific blueprints probably next week, so your shares will help with that.

Still a lot to do today, mostly things that seem kind of unimportant right now, so I'll leave it at that for this round. Thanks to everyone.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.


  1. A quick question - what is the 'ninja master prep' on the amazon list for? Is it something that should be preferenced over other things like mineral supplements? (And why doesn't Amazon allow you to rank the items on a list in terms of which are needed most and soonest? Hmph.)

    1. To answer your last question first, hell if I know. Their interface needs some upgrading in terms of that sort of thing.

      The juicer is mostly for Wings, although given the size, I'll use it, too. I make him protein shakes with supplements & stuff, especially in the warmer months; good for his glucose control & so forth. Our "blender" is one of those single-serving things, and it doesn't handle well the kinds of stuff that I need to be able to put in it (like kale or harder foods). They have some at the local Wal-Mart that are more expensive, but I figured this one would work for what we need, so I added it, mostly to remind myself of the model.

      We both take the iron and mineral supplements; the enzymes are strictly for me, to help keep my hypoglycemia under control, because apparently my body produces next to none naturally. The FitBit is a long-term thing for me (my cardio, among other things, is shot thanks to the anemia, & I'm trying to build my strength & resistance back up slowly). All the rest is for the animals, with most of the supplements going to save She-Wolf's sight, Cree's feet, or Ice's GO tract after the damage frm the sand colic.
