Saturday, April 9, 2016

Daily Beg

One more overscheduled and overtasked day on its way to being done, so that means it's time for my daily beg. If you saw yesterday's post, you know that we are now in possession of completed floor plans, and that we expect to have the individual project-specific plans complete within the next couple of weeks, all of which means that work commences very, very soon. I'd like to hit the 50% mark on our current stage of the fundraising project (which would bring us up to $7,500, meaning an additional $3K over where we stand now).

So please, continue to share the link to our YouCaring page, via the widgets on the page itself or via the page's own link. Please also grab the widget code from the lower right-hand side of the page and spread it around. Many thanks to everyone who's donated, shared, or otherwise supported us thus far; please help us get the rest of the way there. Our current electric bill is a reminder of just why we need so desperately to get out of this place and back into a real home again.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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