Wednesday, April 13, 2016

I can't keep up.

I especially can't keep up when I'm stuck here with my left foot two feet off the floor. That's when it's not stuck in a bucket of ice-cold water mixed with apple cider vinegar and Epsom salts. [Sigh] just call me Cree, or Shade; they both know this soak routine well by now.

Speaking of which, they both get to cost us a small fortune tomorrow. This, while Grif has had a massive CVS flare, can't eat, and can barely walk, and I can barely move. I'm also at the point where I have to order more iron, and more glucose test strips for Wings and She-Wolf, and more of the high-grade bilberry for She-Wolf, because in the two weeks without it (since all three dogs got sick from taking the local brand), her eyesight has deteriorated noticeably. I have house-related questions that need responses (windows, vigas, interior floor), correspondence that needs handling, inquiries (of the non-purchase sort) that need answers, paperwork that needs finishing, and about a thousand other things. And Wings has had to pick up a certain number of additional chores, things I can't do right now with a basically non-working left leg/ankle/foot. Which is . . . um . . . most things. 

So. You know what's coming next.

We need to keep the link to our YouCaring page out there, so please share it via the widgets and/or the actual link on the page itself. Please also grab the widget code from the box in the lower right-hand corner and post it wherever you can, to get the auto-updating image above. Many thanks to everyone who's given us a hand with this thus far.

Also, please share the link to Wings's Web site while you're at it, because we need to make some regular sales to pay for all the non-house-building-related expenses (our electric bill alone is unreal, thanks to being stuck in this tin can, where we mostly can't use the propane for heat). I shudder to think what tomorrow will bring, but it's a necessary step if we've going to keep the girls alive. After bringing them this far, there really isn't any choice. Oh, and if you own and love Wings's work, please submit a testimonial; instructions for how to do so can be found here. If you need inspiration, examples can be found here. Which reminds me, I have one I haven't even had time to upload yet . . . [mumblegrumble].

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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