Friday, April 15, 2016

Less than $2K from the half-way point!

Yes! We're now less than $2K to the halfway point for this stage of our home-building project! Which is good, considering that we may break ground in as little as a week, if the foundation blueprints are done and the weather cooperates (and the latter is probably the iffiest part of it right now). The latest arrival is the list of vigas: dimensions, including diameter and length. There's a place where Wings can cut them himself, and in between planning for the first round of irrigation, changing horses' clogs, trying to get Griffin on his feet, and all the usual chores that accompany home, land, gallery, and his creative processes, he (probably with one of the guys) will be heading up there to get them. Speaking of the creative process, and the gallery, it will help us tremendously to have folks share the link to Wings's Web site, too; sales are crucial right now.

In the meantime, the usual drill still holds: Please continue to share the link to our YouCaring page, using the widgets and/or the link on the page itself. Please also spread around the widget code found in the lower right-hand corner of the page; that will give you the image shown above, complete with running total. Profound thanks to everyone who has given us a hand thus far, with special thanks today to our latest donor.

Tonight and tomorrow are going to be spent catching up on thank-yous and other correspondence, and trying to run our horse vet to ground to get specific instructions needed for Shade's hooves. This weekend will involve clogging both horses and catching up on a thousand and one things, always assuming I haven't overdone it on the foot today and can actually function again tomorrow. If I haven't replied to you yet, I will; never fear. I'm just overwhelmed right now.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

1 comment:

  1. let's spread the word and get that goal over the finish line.... Come on folks....
