Monday, April 11, 2016

So, I'm stuck.


Left foot up on a pile of pillows, ankle iced and wrapped.

I stepped down off the old deck, put my solidly on the ground . . . and my ankle gave way completely. I dropped like the proverbial stone; Wings found me on the ground writhing in agony. 

Not a new thing for me; I have ridiculously (painfully) hypermobile joints, with tendons that are too long and loose and far too stretchy, and I have ripped my ankles and knees far too many times for me to remember them all.

Of course, each one does a little more permanent damage. This was a bad one.

So . . . I'm in plenty of pain right now, so let's make this quick and dirty. Links to our YouCaring page are here: Please use the widgets or the page link itself to share. The widget code for the image above is on the lower right-hand side of the page; pleas spread it around, too.

I'm not sure there's anything that gets this healed faster. Still, we have a huge expense coming down the pike three days from now, when the horse vet comes to get films of Shade's and Cree's forefeet. Founder will break the freaking bank, and now we've got two of 'em with it, not just one. So, there are ways to help: purchases from our Amazon wish list, most of which items are for either the horses (especially those two) or the dogs. The other thing, the one that helps most? Sales, so please spread the link to Wings's site around, too. If you see something on it you want that's marked "Sold," get hold of me; he takes commissions, and he can create a version uniquely your own. 

Many thanks to everyone who's done these things and more already.  I've gotta see about getting out of this thing and back outside, because Wings is insisting on trying to do ALL the evening chores himself, and a storm's about to hit.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.


  1. Ouch! Hope it's better this morning. Sending healing energies your way.

    1. Thanks, hon. I don't do "quiet" well. I mean, not sitting in one place. Wings thinks I overdid it yesterday, so he's insisting on me sitting here all day today. he's also gonna make me soak my foot in the same stuff we use for Cree & Shade, LOL.
