Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Today's Request for Shares

Daily share request, and a quick one again tonight. If we're lucky, tomorrow we'll meet about the stage-specific plans (e.g., plumbing, wiring, foundation, frame); if tomorrow doesn't work out, then maybe Friday. I'd like to have surpassed the 30% mark for this stage, which means getting past $4,500; ideally, I'd like to hit at least the one-third mark (i.e., $5K) by this weekend.

I'd also like the wind to depart, but I know better.

For now, the link: our YouCaring page; please share via the widgets or the page link itself, NOT this post or my FB post. Please also grab the widget code from the lower right-hand corner of the page and post it liberally. I don't expect my time pressures to let anytime in the next tend days to two weeks, at least, but I will get to stuff, I promise. For now, thanks to everyone for the help and support.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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