Monday, July 25, 2016

Daily Share Request: Stage III Beginning

The rain hit a few moments ago. It's a fairly heavy storm, and the crew wouldn't be able to work right now even if they were here.

We've taken a hiatus of at least three days: in part to raise as much as possible for this next stage; in part to get caught up on too many tasks that have had to be left undone while the work's been going on; in part to give our bodies and spirits a break.

And in part to let me heal after my second bad fall in a week and a half. Yes, I know that I'm not as young as I used to be, but to fall, twice, while I'm deliberately being careful is clearly not something I can prevent. And coping with the . . . um . . . fallout has left me absolutely beat.

Still, there's a lot going on here. We're irrigating (which, as a practical matter, means that Wings is irrigating), and it's an enormous amount of physical labor. Two of the crew just brought over some huge and beautiful cedar posts, already fully dry, for use as beams. And Wings is working in the studio later on, while I try to drum up sales.

So we still need shares of the link to our YouCaring page. Between purchases from our flash sale over the weekend and donations through the link, we did pretty well over the weekend, but it's just scratching the surface. This week alone, we have to pay for another load of base course, one of crusher fine, eighteen pallets of adobes plus delivery, and the labor. It'll be a lot.

So please go to the page and share via the widgets there. Please grab the widget code from the purple box at the lower right-hand corner of the page, and spread it around, too. Please also share the link to Wings's site; testimonials help, too. And many, many thanks to everyone who has given us a hand. I have a huge list of thank-yous to write, and while tomorrow already promises to be a mess, I'm shooting for Wednesday for some time to take care of those.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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