Friday, July 29, 2016

Fill, Slab, Walls, Windows. Hoping to hit 15% of goal by Monday.

Dear god, these days are gonna kill me.

Met with our crew boss again this morning to outline the next week. The next hellishly expensive week.

Monday, the final load of base course gets delivered. We also have to rent the Bobcat and the tamper again. Tuesday, they're hoping to pour the slab. That involves renting a bull float and the cement pump again. In this heat, you can't really do it any other way without risking it drying too fast. I'm watching the dollar signs rack up and cringing, and that's before next week's labor costs.

This weekend, we have to go window shopping. Literally. We need to figure out exactly what size windows we need for each area (and exterior doors) — and, of course, what they will cost — because the adobes are being delivered either Wednesday or Thursday, and once those walls go up, the window sizes have to be set in stone. Well, okay, in adobe, but still. Then there are the beams. And did I mention the labor? There's the labor. I am truly terrified at the prospect of the coming week's price tag.

So y'all know what to do. Here's the link to our YouCaring page for this stage of the project. Please share it via the widgets on the page, and please also post the code from the purple widget box in the lower right-hand corner. If we could raise another $800 by Monday, that would put us at 15% of goal. Please also spread the link to Wings's site around liberally. If we could make a couple of large sales (or several small ones) without fail each week, we'd be covered. Sadly, the tourist trade here is nothing compared to what it was before the crash that took our house in the first place.

Thanks to everyone who's helped us thus far. I have been running, flat out, all day, and tomorrow looks to be more of the same, but I at least got a bunch of orders shipped, tornado notwithstanding. With any luck at all, maybe I can get to more formal thank-yous before the weekend is out.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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