Sunday, July 24, 2016

Final Day of Our Flash Sale at NDN Silver!

Photo copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved.
It's the last day of our sale at NDN Silver to hep supplement our home-building fund. It's also your last chance to get Wings's work at a price that's unlikely ever to be repeated: 20% off on all of his silverwork and photography. 

Specifics of the sale are as follows:

  • Sale ends at midnight MDT tonight.
  • 20% off all of Wings's work, silverwork and photography both.
  • 30% off all work by other Native artists.
  • As always, buyer pays shipping, handling, and insurance.
  • We cannot offer layaway or installment payments for this sale; no exceptions.
  • Sale applies only to current inventory; commissioned works are ineligible.
  • We accept personal checks/money orders, VISA and M/C, and PayPal (PayPal is preferred over credit/debit cards); use the Contact form for details.

At 20% off on Wings's work, you can get a masterpiece like the one pictured above, which retails for $2,800, for $2,240 (+s/h/i).

We've also put the rest of our inventory on sale at an even bigger discount: 30% off on all work by other Native artists.
Photo copyright Wings, 2016; all rights reserved.
That means that you can get an outstanding piece like the corn pot above, by a master Taos Pueblo potter, at a great price: It retails for $450, but until midnight MDT, it's marked down to $315 (+s/h/i).

If you're not in the market for authentic Native art by some of the area's master artisans, but you still want to help us in our effort to have a real home for the first time in nearly six years, you can also donate either through our YouCaring page, or via PayPal. We'd like to ask everyone to share the links to our YouCaring page, too: Simply go to the page itself and use the widgets on it to share; also grab the widget code from the purple box in the lower right-hand corner of the page, and post it to get this image:

Thank you to everyone who has given us a hand thus far. We hope you'll help us with this final push this weekend, so that we can keep our crew employed and keep this third stage of our house-building effort going in a timely fashion.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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