Saturday, July 23, 2016

NDN Silver Flash Sale, Day 2

Photo copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved.
It's Day 2 of our flash sale at NDN Silver, and today and tomorrow only, you can score unprecedented deals on Wings's work (and that of other Native artists), and help us in our effort to build a home at long last. Here are the details:

  • Today and tomorrow only; sale ends at midnight MDT tomorrow.
  • 20% off all of Wings's work, silverwork and photography both.
  • 30% off all work by other Native artists.
  • As always, buyer pays shipping, handling, and insurance.
  • We cannot offer layaway or installment payments for this sale; no exceptions.
  • Sale applies only to current inventory; commissioned works are ineligible.
  • We accept personal checks/money orders, VISA and M/C, and PayPal (PayPal is preferred over credit/debit cards); use the Contact form for details.

Wings never puts his own work on sale, so if you've had your eye on something of his for a while, this is a golden opportunity to get it at a price that won't be repeated. It means that works like Kachina, above, that retail for $2,200, will go for $1,760 (+ s/h/i).

And it means that you can get in on the ground floor with both our emerging young Native artists and established master, at a rate of 30% off: 

Photo copyright Aji, 2016;a ll rights reserved.
Works like Camille's fabulous Mountain Lion Bowl, above, will be reduced from $375 to $262.50 + s/h/i (which is a steal for her work).

Of course, if you're not in the market for beautifully authentic Native art, but you still want to help with our fundraising effort to build a house after nearly six full years without a real one, you can do that by donating and sharing the links here:

If you scroll down to the lower right-hand corner of the page, you can grab the widget from the purple box, which will give you that image above. If you share the link directly from the widgets, it helps more than just sharing the link to this post or Facebook/Twitter shares.

Thanks to everyone for your help thus far. Our goal is to raise an additional $5,000 over the course of the weekend, through sales, donations, etc. Please help us reach our goal by sharing the links and spreading the word.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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