Thursday, July 28, 2016

Only $849 needed to hit the 15% mark for Stage III!

Our week of hiatus is almost over, and we've been so busy catching up, plus dealing with the endless stream of issues related to building the house, that I don't feel as though I've gotten anything more accomplished. We meet with our builder tomorrow to lay out the work for next week, since there are some changes, chief among them the electrical work. What this means is that, in addition to the extra load of base course and the grading and tamping, they'll need to lay some of the wiring before the slab is poured.

With every word, I'm watching dollars going out the door.

There have been some good developments: Our flash sale over the weekend produced a good selection of orders, and we've received a few orders even since. We're also past the 10% mark of our fundraiser for Stage III of the building process. But, as I said, dollars keep marching out the door. I'd really like to raise enough through the YouCaring page to hit the 15% mark by next Monday, when work resumes. That would put us up to $3,000. All we need to do is raise another $849. Of course, ideally, I'd prefer to hit the 20% marker, which would mean raising $1,849. If we could hit 20% sometimes next week, I'd be thrilled.

So please continue to share the links to our YouCaring page via the widgets provided on it. Please also continue to post the widget code from the purple box at the page's lower right. And please spread the link to Wings's Web site around liberally; if you own some of his work and post a testimonial along with the link, that helps tremendously. If we could sustain the pace of sales that we've had over the last week, we'd have a huge chunk of the work on the house covered. 

Thanks again to everyone. I'm way behind, pulled in all directions as I am again today, which is why I'm so late getting this posted. Maybe tomorrow . . . . 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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