Tuesday, July 26, 2016

We've hit 10% on Stage III. Can you help us get up to 20%?

Today is going to be a hugely busy day for me (nothing out of the ordinary; just a ton of tasks that have to get done right now), and I'll be out most of the day. To that end, I'm throwing up today's fundraising post early. I have no idea when I'll get a chance to put up the post for Wings's site; better to expect it to be very late. I'm moving slower right now, too, given the pain and fatigue I'm currently battling.

In a couple of days, we'll be getting what I hope will be the last load of fill delivered before the slab gets poured. We have delayed delivery on the pallets of adobes, because of this time we're taking to regroup, and so I don't know whether they'll arrive at the end of this week or beginning of next week. We have had to make some changes to the what and the whom on various aspects of the project, because some of it has proven to be simply unaffordable. [Truth be told, we've already whacked a lot from the plans due to cost, and there will be more of that to come. It would be nice to be able to adhere to them, but for folks like us, that's just not possible.]

At any rate, given the cost of the stripped-down version, we're still going to have to crowdfund across the board to supplement sales. wE're now at Stage III, which will involve finalizing the foundation, getting the walls up and the frame beams installed, and dealing with the wiring and the next stage of the plumbing. We're going to need to raise a lot for all of this.

So please, continue to share the link to our YouCaring page for Stage III, by going to the page itself and using the widgets provided. Please also scroll down to the lower right-hand corner of the page, grab the widget code from the purple box, and spread it around. Please also share the link to Wings's site (and if you can offer a testimonial about his work and our inventory when you do, please do that as well). We're already at 10% for this stage; for this week, I'd like to get us up to 20%.

Thanks to everyone for your help thus far. I'm hoping to have a little more time tomorrow (not exactly free time, but maybe the ability to juggle tasks a little more flexibly), including some time to devote to thank-yous. I'll also have a brand new work by Wings to feature at his site; he's finishing it up today. And with that, I'm in and out, but mostly out, for the next several hours, at least.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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