Sunday, August 21, 2016

Almost to the half-way point for this stage; please share!

Well, this was definitely not the weekend we had planned. There was so much I was going to get done (including thank-you notes), and instead I've spent the weekend doing things that look nothing like anything that was on my to-do list. There are some things you can't, generally speaking, schedule on your preferred timetable, and the events of yesterday and today are probably the clearest example of that.

Despite our inability to give any real attention to construction right now (work now will not resume until Thursday because of the four-day observance for Wings's brother, which will run through Wednesday), we are approaching the half-way point on this stage of our fundraising effort. This, is of course, only the current stage; there will be many more, since we're getting close to the point at which the walls will be up and we'll need to pay for a roof and the mudding in and plastering and then the interior work, including that part of the plumbing and wiring and floors and fixtures and and and . . . . But we are now only $1,625 shy of the $10K mark, which is the exact mid-point of this stage. I'd like to try to raise that by the end of this week, to have a reserve for what's to come by way of materials and labor costs during the following week.

So please keep sharing the link to our YouCaring page via the widgets on it, including the widget code from the box on the page's lower right-hand corner, which will give you the image above with the running tally. Please also share the link to Wings's site; it's sales that pay all of our day-to-day expenses, and help support construction, too.

Thanks to everyone for your continued support, in so many different ways. I'll tell you right up front that at this moment, I have no idea what my week is going to look like in terms of time available for anything. I suspect it won't be much. I also suspect that most posts will going up in the evenings. All this is just another way of saying Im even further behind, and folks should expect to see me only you see me.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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