Friday, August 19, 2016

Nightly share request, for our links and for a diary.

Photo copyright Aji, 2017; all rights reserved.
That was the view this morning. The scaffolds are already getting a workout, and the adobes will be above the window frames next week. Then it's the center posts, the bond beam, and the vigas, and they will all be happening sooner than expected. Which means, of course, the need to pay for the labor.

So before we get to the other photos, here's the current set of link requests: First, our YouCaring page, via the widgets on it, please, and using the widget code from box in the lower right-hand corner. that will get you this:

Second, Wings's Web site, because sales are our living, and they're going toward both day-to-day expenses and the construction.

And finally, a dear friend's diary at the GOS from earlier today on our behalf. There are a group of warrior women who are my spirit sisters, and they have our backs, and I could not be more grateful for it. But one of the major points of the diary is visibility through social-media shares, which requires that the diary itself get . . . yes, social-media shares of its own. So please go and T&R it, and hit the Facebook and Twitter widgets on it, and share it via e-mail and with all your other networks, along with the links to our YouCaring page and Wings's site.

Now, what else happened today: 

Photo copyright Aji, 2017; all rights reserved.
It turns out the blueprints were a problem with regard to our utility room. They also needed revamping anyway, because after some study, we'd figured out that our original plan with regard to the water heat was not going to work (too expensive, and not cost-effective for us over the long haul, either). So we're going with a solution that is slightly more expensive than an ordinary boiler, but not nearly as pricey as the solar model we were thinking would be more energy-efficient (for a house this small, it's not). The upshot is that the on-demand unit we'll eventually have to spring for is extraordinarily low-profile, and will free up considerable room to expand both the utility room and the downstairs bathroom. 

What you see above is where the washer and dryer are now slated to go. What you see below?
Photo copyright Aji, 2017; all rights reserved.
The drain for the shower in the downstairs bathroom.

I should point out that it was our crew who noticed the problem and brought it to us. I've known plenty of pros who would've ignored it, followed the blueprints, and then when the issues became apparent, shrugged their shoulders and said, "Hey, this was what your blueprints called for. I assumed that's what you wanted."

Our guys are practical.

So the crew chief brought it to us this morning, explained the issue, showed us about three different options for altering them, and then literally redrew them on the fly and on the slab. 

And we have more useable room, and we're good:
Photo copyright Aji, 2017; all rights reserved.
And I still get to keep my windows as they were. For those who don't know, I've always had this weird issue with my eyes (apparently runs in the family) where I have vision difficulties with a lot of artificial light. I need A LOT of natural light, not merely for my mood, but for my ability to see in a very basic way. My eyes are healthy, if astigmatic and myopic, but this is an issue I can't make go away, and I need lots of windows. Which has been bad in this place, but will be great in the house, and will also be great for passive solar.

Photo copyright Aji, 2017; all rights reserved.
And before the weather hit in early afternoon, the guys were back at the bricks. We have what are recognizeable walls now, if incomplete ones, and they'll be ready for the upper story very, very soon.

That's happened only because of the support we've gotten from friends for this project. We are both profoundly grateful. And now that the weekend is here, I'm hoping to get a few hours over the next couple of days to focus on more concrete expressions of thanks.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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