Monday, August 15, 2016

Share requests, for our page and for a friend's diary.

One more day before the crew comes back to work. Fortunately, this week is likely to be mostly labor costs, save for the beams that need to be bought.

Fortunately also, one of my best friends has posted a diary for us at the GOS tonight. She and a bunch of other dear friends, warrior women all, have gone and set up a group devoted to helping us conjure this house into being (or at least this stage of it, which admittedly will be nowhere complete, but it'll involve walls, and windows, and a roof, if we're lucky). It's less about individual persons donating than it is about getting the link to our YouCaring page spread far and wide, because you never know who will feel led to kick in a little (or a lot).

Here's the link to her diary; please share it with your networks. Please also share the link to our YouCaring page by using the widgets on it, including the one from the box at the lower right-hand corner of the page that produces the auto-updating image above. Please also continue to share the link to Wings's site, since sales are what keep us going year-round, irrespective of the house-building effort, and also form the basis of our ability to build it in the first place.

Thanks to everyone. I'm stretched so thin right now; we've both been at it nonstop all day today, and I'm only now getting to sit down and catch my breath for a moment. I have a lot to get done this week, and the whole week looks to be paced just like this, so please bear with me.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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