Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Stage III: Only $990 needed to hit the 50% mark!

Photo copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved.

It's all of 44 degrees here this morning. I have no idea how much lower than that it got before dawn; what I do know is that my joints have ceased to function properly in this kind of cold, damp air. My brain, too; it'll probably be very late today when the post at Wings's site finally goes up.

Work on the house resumes on Thursday. Only two work days this week, Thursday and Friday, because of the traditional four-day observance, which means that we'll be nearly a week behind where we thought we'd be at this point. It'll probably be late next week when they get to the bond beam and then begin the upper level. After that, things move fast: Roof and interior will not be far behind. 

I hope so, anyway. It's pretty clear that our summer, such as it was, is mostly behind us; the trees are already turning yellow, and the air is all autumn — I think our high hit all of 61 yesterday. We need to get this house finished, because we're in for an early winter.

So please keep sharing the links to our YouCaring page. Please use the widgets provided, especially the code from the purple box in the lower right-hand corner of the page, which will give you this:

My sub-goal for this week was to hit the 50% mark on this stage of the fundraiser and the overall project. We are only $990 away from that, well below the more than $1,600 needed when I set that sub-goal a couple of days ago. You can read more about the project, and ways to help, in the diary that one of my warrior sisters kindly posted for us last night, here; please also T&R it and share that link, too.

Finally, please continue to share the link to Wings's Web site. It'll be late when I have today's blog post up there; Tuesday is the day that's most labor-intensive, and aside from the fact that the cold and my brain are not getting along well, owing to recent events, we're way behind on a bunch of other fronts now. If you own some of Wings's work, testimonials are helpful, too.

Thank you to everyone who's stepped up to donate, write posts, share links, and otherwise provide moral support; we're profoundly grateful. Once the morning's posts are up, I'm not sure when/how much I'll be online until late. We have a long day ahead of us here, and I need to get to it. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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