Sunday, August 28, 2016

Sunday Share Requests

I am beyond beat, and pressed for time even tonight. So no extra photos this time around (although we did finally get to see our ibises; I might post photos of them later in the week).

Work starts up again tomorrow. We'll be down by at least one man, and probably two. This week is also crammed with other appointments, as they decide whether to go forward with Wings's knee replacement even though his labs came back fractionally above their zero-tolerance max line. In the meantime, this project has to beat the weather, and fall's HERE. [Sigh] and at some point, Cree's hoof needs attention, too.

So I'm going to be posting and running most of the week; I just don't have the resources, of any sort, to do more right now. What I need from folks is shares: shares of the link to our YouCaring page via the widgets on it; shares via the widget code from the purple box at lower right, which gives you the above image with the running tally; and shares of Wings's Web site, which is what's paying the ordinary bills AND contributing to construction.

Many thanks to everyone who's given us a hand thus far. I'm in the middle of a full-scale autoimmune flare (nights in the high 30s in freaking August will do that), and neither of us has bounced back yet after last week's events. I'll be a straggler for a while yet, but I'll also keep plodding along. Please just bear with my slowness right now. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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