Wednesday, August 24, 2016

We've hit 50%; please help us get to 65% over the next 10 days.

Sorry, no new photos tonight; I am just beat. It's been a very long five days, and work finally resumes tomorrow.

As you can see, the numbers have regressed a bit; there was apparently a hiccup last night that inflated a donor's contribution to the tune of a couple of extra zeroes. YouCaring, to their credit, fixed the whole thing in well under 24 hours. And so while our numbers don't look nearly as attractive as they did last night, the fact of the matter is that even absent that particular donation, by last night we had already exceeded my mini-goal for the week, which was to get us to the half-way mark ($10K) for this stage of the project. Now we can turn our attention to a longer-range mini-goal, one that I'll peg for, say, the end of next week: getting us to 65% of this stage's overall goal, otherwise known as $13K.

That means, of course, more shares of our YouCaring page via the widgets on it, please — especially the widget code from the purple box at the lower right-hand corner of the page. You can share these daily; it doesn't block you from repeat shares. It also means sharing the link to Wings's Web site, the sales from which keep us going on a day-to-day basis and also go toward construction of the house.

Much gratitude to everyone who has given us a hand with this thus far, whether through shares, posts, donations, or and/moral support. I won't have a feel for how far they'll get in the two workdays remaining this week until sometime tomorrow, but I expect things to move fairly fast next week, and I'll have new photos soon.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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