Saturday, September 17, 2016

A weekend share request, for us and for someone else who needs a hand.

It's too late, and I'm too tired and sore, to spend time digging around for photos. This is going to be quick and dirty.

We have one more day remaining before the crew comes back to work. [As it happens, the guy who runs the crew may be here tomorrow to drop the hay, if he has time and the forecast holds.] In 35 hours, it will be busy and noisy here again. And expensive.

Last week, we shelled out around three grand for wood alone. There's a lot more wood that will need to be bought, and likely by the end of the coming week. We need to raise the amount remaining on this stage of the fundraising process, roughly $4,450, so that we can close this one out. And, yes, that means that I will more or less immediately need to turn my attention to the next one. But raising the $4,450 now allows us to get the ceiling and the upstairs framework done, and might even get us part of the way toward the roof. Once the roof is on, we can start worrying about insulation, interior framing, and plastering the exterior (and then the plumbing and the wiring and the windows and the doors and the stairs and the floors and the fixtures and the appliances and the woodstoves that we've had for years that are waiting to be set up again).

So we're going to continue to need daily shares of our YouCaring page via the widgets provided on it, particularly the widget code from the purple box at lower right, which gives you the image above with the running tally. We also need shares of Wings's site on a daily basis, because the sales fund construction, above and beyond paying for day-to-day expenses. I'm beginning to find myself feeling completely overwhelmed again by the sheer cost and scale of this effort, particularly given the rapidity with which the days are shortening and temperatures dropping.

Many thanks to everyone who has given us a hand thus far. I am nowhere near caught up yet, but I'm trying. Also, in the middle of everything else, there's someone else who needs help, and also needs to beat the coming winter weather. Please go here, share the link to her GoFundMe page, and if you can kick in some cash to her as well, Wings and I would both be grateful.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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