Monday, September 26, 2016

An exhausted Monday share request.

I don't have the time or the energy tonight to fight with my start-up disk (yes, I'm continually out of space and power, because I'm doing work with imagery that is beyond what my processor can handle; I can't delete anything else right now). So no new photos tonight. But the ceiling is nearly complete; everything is covered except the utility room.

At 8:30 tomorrow, $3K worth of wood is being delivered. They're going to install the subfloor of the upper level and begin framing it in. Then, as I understand it, the electrical will come next. The roof is about two weeks out, and we have a reprieve on the septic system, provided the weather holds.

But this is going to be increasingly expensive. We're also up against the clock; fall was exceedingly early this year, and if we get a heavy snow followed by a hard freeze, we're screwed. Everything depends on the weather, and on funding. So I'm trying desperately to get this stage of our fundraising closed out, which will let me turn my attention to the next stage.

This means that we need folks to keep on sharing the link to our YouCaring page via the widgets provided, including the widget code from the box at lower right, which gives you the image at the top of this post. We also need people to continue sharing the link to Wings's site. That not only pays ordinary expenses; it helps fund the construction. Every spare penny is going to construction, including everything we can set aside from every sale. And if you're contemplating commissioning holiday gifts, now is the time to get hold of me about it, because he needs lead time for the design phases. 

Thank you to everyone for your help thus far. I am, as predicted, slammed with work today and tomorrow, with a long night ahead of me tonight. We have friends coming to visit Wednesday morning, and then I will, with any luck, have the end of the week to catch up a little bit on everything that is now so overdue and that it's haunting my sleep as well as my waking hours.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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