Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Internet out yet AGAIN, and work ramping up; shares needed.

No Internet access today. Despite the outrageous monthly rate we're paying for 21st-Century Internet access, indian Killer Telecom is once again completely down, leaving us in the Dark Ages. So today's post is going to be brief.

By way of update, today's work is all about the upper-level subfloor. they'll have that done before long; then we move on to the upstairs framework. We've got a new guy to do the staircase; I feel much more confident, and I haven't even met the guy yet.

But all of this is going to be terribly costly, and of course the money goes out faster than it comes in. We've been lucky in recent weeks to be able to stockpile a little, but it's now all more than spoken for. So we need continued daily shares of our YouCaring page via the widgets provided, particularly the code from the box at lower right that produces the image above. We're only $1,300 shy of closing out this stage, and we need to do that as soon as possible, so that I can turn to the next stage; winter's around the corner now. 

We also need continued daily shares of Wings's site. If you have a testimonial to share, please submit it via the site's Contact form (although I may not get it until sometime tomorrow, given our access issues). And if you're planning on commissioning work for the holidays, now is the time to inquire about that, via the same method; time is much shorter than we all think, and as the holidays approach, it's only going to go faster.

Thank you to everyone who has given us a hand thus far. I'm sorry that I can't get to even the most basic tasks right now. Today was already going to be a mess, even with Internet access; now it's just a disaster. Fingers crossed that they get it back up tonight, or the whole week will be shot.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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