Sunday, September 11, 2016

One year ago today, we almost lost everything.

Some days are nearly impossible.

I have been pushing it, too hard and too far for too long. When you have multiple autoimmune disease, a crash is guaranteed.

It came today.

It's fitting, I suppose. This day is a terrible reminder for so many. For us, it's a terrible reminder of a nearer sort, being, as it is, the one-year anniversary of the electrical fire that nearly took everything from us . . . and set us on this road with an urgency that could no longer be denied.

I have gone somewhere past exhaustion at this point. I have just enough left on auto-pilot to finish this, and then I'm done for the night. The week starts up all over again first thing tomorrow morning, and so does the work, and I have to find a way to force myself through everything that's required of me.

So for tonight, it's simple: This road is a long one. It's been a year, and we have much, MUCH farther to go. So please continue to share, on a daily basis, the link to our YouCaring page. Please use the widgets provided, particularly the widget code from the purple box at the lower right-hand corner of the page, which will give you the image above. Please also share the link to Wings's site, which is what provides the sales that pay the bills (AND fund the construction; the crowdfunding amounts are nowhere near enough to pay all of it, trust me).

Thank you to everyone for your help thus far. I'm being straight-up with everyone when I say that I have very few reserves left, either physically or mentally, at this point. This is what happens with this particular brand of chronic illness, and it is out of my control. Expect me to be behind on everything for a while; I have to work very hard to rebuild my energy and resistance, and I just simply don't have the mental room for anything extra right now. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.


  1. Please take it easy. I too have autoimmune disease and people just really do not know how tasking it is.

  2. Please take it easy. I too have autoimmune disease and people just really do not know how tasking it is.

    1. Thanks, hon. I don't think taking it easy is actually possible right now, given what's going on here, but as long as people understand why I'm increasingly behind on everything, it's okay. The point at which the seasons - any seasons - change is always brutal.

    2. Thanks, hon. I don't think taking it easy is actually possible right now, given what's going on here, but as long as people understand why I'm increasingly behind on everything, it's okay. The point at which the seasons - any seasons - change is always brutal.
