Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Rained out. Shares still needed.

We have no new photos today. The rain began shortly after dawn, and continued through much of the morning. It [mostly] cleared in the afternoon, but we had already sent the crew home. The sort of work they're doing right now, with the herringbone, requires dry weather, for two reasons: First, the wood itself is fragile and stains easily (and permanently); and second, it's too dangerous for them to work eleven feet off the ground on rain-slick surfaces.

They'll be back tomorrow morning, with a large bolt of felt in tow to cover the wood for the days to come. We're supposed to get much more rain beginning tomorrow evening and lasting through Friday, so they'll be working to beat the weather tomorrow, too. As it stands right now, tomorrow will likely be their last day for the week. Come Monday, they'll finish off the ceiling and then turn their attention to the upstairs framing.

We are only $2,550 shy of closing out this stage of our fundraiser. Of course, that means I'll have to turn right around and launch the next stage, but I'll need some estimates on the next steps before I can do that with any accuracy. In the meantime, though, we do need to close out this one, so we still need daily shares of the link to our YouCaring page via the widgets provided, particularly the widget code from the box at lower right, which gives you the image above. We also need daily shares of Wings's site: We need to sustain our current pace of sales, which is not only paying our ordinary bills but allowing us to put a significant amount of it toward the construction; and, with tomorrow being the first day of all, the holidays will be here before any of us is remotely ready for it. For those contemplating commissioned works by Wings to give as gifts, now is the time to contact us and get those orders in the pipeline.

Thank you to everyone for all your help thus far. I can't really find the words to describe our gratitude; not that many weeks ago, I didn't really believe this would ever happen. Now, I believe. And with a little luck, I'll be caught up on a few tasks this weekend — not many, but a few. I'll do my best.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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