Saturday, September 3, 2016

Share requests for a Saturday night.

Okay, so I've hit a wall physically. It's only been two weeks since the loss of Wings's brother, and we have been pushed nonstop the entire time. I had no choice but to drive to the post office yesterday (Wings couldn't leave), and I have paid dearly for the brief trip with a massive migraine. [Since my concussion two years ago, driving gives me a migraine within a few hours of my return. Inevitably. Even a five-minute trip up the road. Days like this? I'm hypersensitive to light, incredibly clumsy, unable to focus, unable even to think straight. It's become a real complication when it comes to needing to get stuff done.]

So I'm not going to scroll through construction photos tonight. My head and eyes need a break. Tonight it's just a straight-up share request for our YouCaring page via its widgets, plus using the widget code from he lower right-hand corner of the page that give you the image above. The other share request is for Wings's site, which provides the sales that pay ordinary expenses and fund construction, too.

I suppose it's going to be like this from here on in until the house is done, but it's a punishing pace, particularly with our health issues. We're profoundly grateful to everybody, but I need folks to bear with me a while longer. I'm going to be terminally behind as long as all of this is ongoing.

Oh, and for those tracking such things, I'll be posting another new work at Wings's site tomorrow (although probably not early in the day).

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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