Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Still need shares, but there are no vigas. Yet.

Some days, the world should just put itself back to bed, pull the covers up over it's head, and wait for Wednesday.

There is no point in going into excruciating detail . Suffice to say that the day was trash by 10 AM. Well, actually, it was already in the can well before that, but who's counting?

At this moment, I'm not sure where things stand with construction for the remainder of the week. The guys did what they could today, beginning with removing the frame from the bond beam (pix tomorrow, maybe; too beat tonight). Because the stairs have been relocated, we only need two spiral posts, not three, so the guy who runs the crew was going to return it for a credit toward the vigas.

There are no vigas.

The supplier ::ahem:: sold the wood out from under him between Friday and today. In other words, either on Saturday or first thing this morning. No explanation; no nothing. On Friday, he had it; today, he says he doesn't. As I understand it, he won't even cop to the fact that he said he had it on Friday. I suspect I know who does have it now (in general terms, I mean; the job that is sucking all the oxygen out of the local construction community, and the land along with it). But either way, it's not us.

So now comes the chase for the proper wood for the vigas.

I have no idea whether they'll be able to do any work tomorrow. Or Thursday. Or Friday. The way it stands now, they can set the two spiral posts, but after that . . . ? The only silver lining is that, hey, we didn't have to shell out another ton of money for the vigas today, but that expense is still out there lying in wait, like Coyote. So is the weather.

So we're still going to need daily shares of our YouCaring page via the widgets on it, and especially via the widget code from the box at the lower-right that gives you the image above. We also need shares of Wings's site, in the hopes of keeping sales at a decent-enough level to pay ordinary expenses (electricity, propane, food, etc.) and let us put some of it toward construction.

And I need a day (or two, or ten) unencumbered by complications and constant demands on my time and attention, but the Stones understood this jig forty-some years ago.

For now, many thanks to everyone who has helped us this far. Tomorrow promises to be another day where I will be lucky to find five minutes to eat something, but do my best to try to catch up at least a little bit.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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