Monday, September 5, 2016

Summer's mostly over, but there's a lot of work ahead; please share.

So much for Labor Day. And summer.

We've just come out the other side of a line of massive thunderstorms, the kind that bring dangerous lightning and hail with them, and it's cold and damp. My hip told me something was coming (yes, I'm old and creaky now), but it was a mostly clear day. 

Then night fell. So did a lot of hail and rain.

Anyway, the guys will be back bright and early tomorrow morning to hit the construction again. Honestly, I'm not ready; the physical and mental fatigue at this point have taken such a toll that I'd rather have one day to sleep. But that would be futile even without them here, so might as well let 'em get back to it.

In theory, we supposed to go pick out the vigas tomorrow. I'm not sure whether that will happen, in part because we need to see where they are tomorrow and what they need; in part because we're both wiped out and tomorrow is already overflowing with tasks and it's not even here yet; and partly because we need to see how the financial stuff shakes out. The last two weeks' worth of work cost us an unholy amount of money, and we're back to the point of needing to raise another round — just to make sure we can cover the labor costs, never mind materials.

To that end, we still need daily shares of our YouCaring page, via the widgets on it. We especially need shares via the widget code from the purple box on the page's lower right-hand side, which gives you the image with the running tally above. We also need shares of Wings's site, because that pays the bills and helps fund construction. Finally, for tonight we also need tips and recs and shares of belinda's diary for us over at the GOS; it's another post by another spirit sister, and she's got a couple of announcements for later in the week.

Many thanks to everyone for your help thus far. I'm battling the kind of physical pain and mental fatigue that are part and parcel of my autoimmune stuff, so I'm not going to be terribly talkative for a while (and this day was an anniversary that I'd rather forget). Look to see me online sometime tomorrow, probably late in the day.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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