Sunday, September 25, 2016

Sunday night, and miles to go before I sleep. So just a straight-up share request.

I am beat. We had no time this weekend to rest, or even to work on the countless things we had planned to catch up on over these two days. This weekend has been one thing after another, Murphy's law in action, with unpredictability its only sure thing.

I'm exhausted. Some days, there's just no sugar-coating it, any of it, and this is one. This week is going to be difficult, mostly because of the pace and the workload and the way time is telescoping so fast now that real cold is here at night. I have a lot left to do tonight, and no energy for much of anything. 

So it's going to be just a straight-up share request right now: First, shares of our YouCaring page via the widgets on it, especially the widget code at lower right, which gives you the image shown above. We need to raise $1,666 to close out this stage, which will let us get the lumber ordered for the upper-level framework. Then I have to turn immediately to the next stage, which now is likely going to include the septic system, because there aren't many weeks left before the ground freezes solid. 

Second, we need shares of Wings's site. Testimonials help, too, especially with the holidays approaching (you can send them through the site's Contact form). And if you're planning on commissioning work for holiday gifts, now is the time to do it. Typically, he spends most of October and all of November on holiday commissions, so we're already at the point where the planning and design needs to be done.

Thank you to everyone for your help thus far. Thank you also to those of you who have helped with Ice Blue's GoFundMe; we need to get her septic system in before the ground freezes, too. The next three days, at least, are going to leave me with virtually no time for anything at all, but I'm still holding put hope that I can use the latter part of the week to start catching up.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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